John Chamberlain
May 3, 2003–October 16, 2023, Dia Beacon
Bruce Nauman
May 3, 2003–November 10, 2019, Dia Beacon
Blinky Palermo
March 24, 2012–June 23, 2019, Dia Beacon
Sol Lewitt: Drawing Series...
September 16, 2006–November 13, 2017, Dia Beacon
Joseph Beuys
May 3, 2003–September 4, 2017, Dia Beacon
Carl Andre: Sculpture as Place, 1958–2010
May 5, 2014–July 24, 2017, Touring
Agnes Martin
December 13, 2008–March 26, 2017, Dia Beacon
Andy Warhol: Shadows (on tour)
April 21, 2011–January 15, 2017, Touring
Bernd and Hilla Becher
January 18, 2013–August 22, 2016, Dia Beacon
Occasions and other occurrences hosted by Isabel Lewis
June 24, 2016–July 17, 2016, Dia Chelsea
A Friendship: Carl Andre’s Works on Paper from the LeWitt Collection
June 7, 2014–April 12, 2015, Dia Bridgehampton
Ian Wilson: The Pure Awareness of the Absolute / Discussions
Fall 2011–Spring 2015, Dia Beacon
May 5, 2014–March 9, 2015, Dia Beacon
Steve Paxton: Selected Works
October 17–October 26, 2014, Dia Beacon
John Chamberlain: It Ain’t Cheap
January 12, 2013–April 27, 2014, Dia Bridgehampton
Walter De Maria
April 2, 2010–March 31, 2014, Dia Beacon
Imi Knoebel, 24 Colors—for Blinky, 1977
May 17, 2008–March 24, 2014, Dia Beacon
Alighiero e Boetti
May 18, 2013–February 17, 2014, Dia Beacon