School programs at Dia utilize its expansive collection to foster discovery and conceptual awareness for students, bringing the idea that art is an active, self-determined experience directly into the classroom, tour, or workshop experience.
Riggio Arts Education Program
Dia Beacon's Arts Education Program partnership with the Beacon City School District provides K-12 students with an intimate setting to respond critically to Dia Beacon through multi-session workshops with artist educators.
View details for the 2024 Student Exhibition.
Learning and Engagement at Dia is made possible by the Riggio Foundation and the Nita Mukesh Ambani Fund for Education. Additional support provided by Concordia Foundation; Assemblymember Charles D. Fall and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services; Kiki and Zach McMillan; New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; and New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
School Tours
Dia requires guided tours for school groups grades K-12. Facilitated by educators, tours foster student-centered inquiry and active learning through engagement with the collection and special exhibitions. All school group tours are by appointment only; self-guided K-12 tours are not permitted. To schedule a school tour, please visit our group visits page.