Blake Gopnik on Chryssa and Andy Warhol
Dia Chelsea, March 16, 2023
Event Details
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 pm
Dia Chelsea
537 West 22nd Street
New York, New York
On the occasion of the exhibition Chryssa & New York at Dia Chelsea, art writer Blake Gopnik will explore Chryssa’s practice, persona, and reception in New York in the early 1960s in the context of Andy Warhol’s work at the same moment. Gopnik will discuss their potential mutual influence and the emergence of Pop iconography.
Blake Gopnik is the author of Warhol (Ecco, 2020), the first comprehensive biography of the Pop artist, and in the spring of 2022 began work on a biography of modern-art collector Albert Barnes. He has been the staff art critic at the Washington Post and Newsweek and is now a regular contributor to the New York Times. He has a PhD in art history from the University of Oxford.
Chryssa & New York is co-organized by Dia Art Foundation and the Menil Collection, Houston, in collaboration with Alphawood Foundation at Wrightwood 659, Chicago. The exhibition is co-curated by Megan Holly Witko, external curator, Dia Art Foundation, and Michelle White, senior curator, the Menil Collection, Houston.
Public programs are made possible by support from the Consulate General of Greece in New York.
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