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Learning and Engagement Fellowships

Learning and Engagement fellowships at Dia offer emerging artists, educators, and cultural producers in the suggested age range of 18–25 exposure to and practice in being both the author and protagonist of their own creative, intellectual, and professional trajectories. With cohorts alternating between Dia Beacon and Dia Chelsea, fellowships explore the potential for meaningful learning experiences at the intersection of contemporary art, experimental pedagogy, and community engagement.

Fellowships include mentorship from Dia artists, educators, and staff; a co-created, peer-learning community with monthly, in-person meetings; access to artists, materials, and community spaces; and direct engagement with Dia’s education and public programs.

Fellowships are offered annually, and participants receive a stipend of $2,500. For more information or to receive updates, email

Pedagogies of Site Fellowship
Dia Chelsea, 2024–25

Dia’s Pedagogies of Site Fellowship invites an exploration of site-based creative praxis in pursuit of meaningful learning experiences. How does site, in the fullness of its sociohistorical, geological, and material dimensions, hold knowledge and space as an ever-present actor? Through observation, research, and exchange, the cohort will collectively engage with site, considering its role in relationship to each fellow’s individual practice, as well as the history, present, and potentiality of Dia Art Foundation’s Learning and Engagement program.

2024–25 Cohort: Nia Bethel-Brescia, Ciera Browne, Amanda Chen, Ethan Luk, Sebastian Maseri, Cole Palatini, Malia Seva, and Karla Zurita  

2024–25 Artist Mentor: Jonathan González 

Civic Pedagogies Fellowship
Dia Beacon, 2023–24

The Civic Pedagogies Fellowship at Dia engages critically with prevailing narratives of epistemologies within institutional settings while foregrounding other forms of knowledge and collaborative methodologies. Using learning spaces as a site of praxis, Civic Pedagogies fellows consider, imagine, and generate learning experiences that foster a culture of care and cultivate a sense of belonging within the context of Dia Beacon’s collection, programs, publics, and region.

2023–24 Cohort: John Barriga, Archie Caride, Hristian Dsouza Michaeli, Elliot Kleinman, Oswal Pérez Lázaro, Noah Sablan, and Kayla Vasquez

2023–24 Artist Mentor: Jeannette Rodríguez Píneda

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