Artist A to Z
Surnames starting with: A
Surnames starting with: B
- Jo Baer
- Maja Bajevic
- Mary Jo Bang
- Rosa Barba
- Judith Barry
- Erica Baum
- Bernd and Hilla Becher
- Larry Bell
- Cecilia Bengolea
- Bill Berkson
- Alan Bernheimer
- Anselm Berrigan
- Edmund Berrigan
- Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
- Jen Bervin
- Joseph Beuys
- Nayland Blake
- Barbara Bloom
- Mel Bochner
- Alighiero e Boetti
- Iñaki Bonillas
- Gregg Bordowitz
- Charles Borkhuis
- Frédéric Bruly Bouabré
- Louise Bourgeois
- Carol Bove
- Andrea Bowers
- Julian Talamantez Brolaski
- stanley brouwn
- Lee Ann Brown
- Trisha Brown
- Laynie Browne
- Robert Buck
- James Buckhouse
- Matthew Buckingham
- A.K. Burns
- Tom Burr
- Bobby Byrd
Surnames starting with: C
- CAConrad
- André Cadere
- Luis Camnitzer
- Mary Ellen Carroll
- Patrizia Cavalli
- Vija Celmins
- Alejandro Cesarco
- François Chaignaud
- John Chamberlain
- Paul Chan
- Patty Chang
- Maxine Chernoff
- Chryssa
- David Claerbout
- Francesco Clemente
- Claude Closky
- Andrei Codrescu
- Tony Cokes
- Kate Colby
- Todd Colby
- Norma Cole
- James Coleman
- John Coletti
- Clark Coolidge
- Matthew Coolidge
- Mary Corse
- Brenda Coultas
- Michael Craig-Martin
- Carl Craig
- Dorothy Cross
- Abraham Cruzvillegas
- Merce Cunningham
Surnames starting with: D
Surnames starting with: E
Surnames starting with: F
Surnames starting with: G
Surnames starting with: H
- Hans Haacke
- Peter Halley
- Ann Hamilton
- Lyle Ashton Harris
- Maren Hassinger
- Sharon Hayes
- Valeria Luiselli, Ricardo Giraldo, and Leo Heiblum
- Mary Heilmann
- Michael Heizer
- David Henderson
- Arturo Herrera
- Robert Hershon
- Leslie Hewitt
- Charline von Heyl
- Mitch Highfill
- Susan Hiller
- Thomas Hirschhorn
- Jim Hodges
- Bob Holman
- Nancy Holt
- Jenny Holzer
- Roni Horn
- Ron Horning
- Susan Howe
- Tehching Hsieh
- Jacqueline Humphries
- Siri Hustvedt
- Pierre Huyghe
Surnames starting with: I
Surnames starting with: J
Surnames starting with: K
Surnames starting with: L
- Michael Lally
- Ann Lauterbach
- Louise Lawler
- Annette Lawrence
- Barry Le Va
- An-My Lê
- Mark Leckey
- Daniel Lefcourt
- Pierre Leguillo
- David Lehman
- Gary Lenhart
- Zoe Leonard
- David Levine
- Andrew Levy
- Isabel Lewis
- Joel Lewis
- Sam Lewitt
- Sol LeWitt
- Olia Lialina
- Glenn Ligon
- Duane Linklater
- Sharon Lockhart
- Matt Longabucco
- Kristin Lucas
- Ken Lum
- Vera Lutter
- Scott Lyall
- Kimberly Lyons
Surnames starting with: M
- Jill Magid
- Judith Malina
- Babette Mangolte
- Brice Marden
- Dorit Margreiter
- Filip Marinovich
- Agnes Martin
- Daniel Joseph Martinez
- Nick Mauss
- Bernadette Mayer
- Rita McBride
- Josiah McElheny
- Dave McKenzie
- Steve McQueen
- Taylor Mead
- Josephine Meckseper
- Feng Mengbo
- Mario Merz
- Sharon Mesmer
- Mika Tajima / New Humans
- Helen Mirra
- Tracey Moffatt
- Jonathan Monk
- Linda Montano
- François Morellet
- Delcy Morelos
- Laura Moriarty
- Robert Morris
- Tracie Morris
- Anna Moschovakis
- Fred Moten
- Stephen Motika
- Jean-Luc Moulène
- Jennifer Moxley
- Paul Muldoon
- Christian Philipp Müller
- Matt Mullican
- Juan Muñoz
- Eileen Myles
Surnames starting with: N
Surnames starting with: O
Surnames starting with: P
Surnames starting with: Q
Surnames starting with: R
Surnames starting with: S
- Jerome Sala
- Lucas Samaras
- Fred Sandback
- Joe Scanlan
- Peter Schjeldahl
- Thomas Schütte
- Steven Seidenberg
- Richard Serra
- David Shapiro
- James Sherry
- Shimabuku
- Erin Shirreff
- Gedi Sibony
- Amie Siegel
- Eleni Sikelianos
- Ron Silliman
- Amy Sillman
- Gary Simmons
- Emily Skillings
- Robert Smithson
- Keith Sonnier
- Christopher Stackhouse
- Frances Stark
- Simon Starling
- Haim Steinbach
- Ann Stephenson
- Jessica Stockholder
- Sara Jane Stoner
- Michelle Stuart
- Kishio Suga
- Cole Swensen
- Stacy Szymaszek
Surnames starting with: T
Surnames starting with: U
Surnames starting with: V
Surnames starting with: W
- Anne Waldman
- Keith Waldrop
- Rosmarie Waldrop
- Kara Walker
- Ian Wallace
- Mark Wallinger
- Franz Erhard Walther
- Andy Warhol
- Rosanna Warren
- Lewis Warsh
- Rico Washington
- Meg Webster
- Lawrence Weiner
- Karen Weiser
- James Welling
- Franz West
- Susan Wheeler
- Rachel Whiteread
- Robert Whitman
- Jack Whitten
- T. J. Wilcox
- Christopher Williams
- Fred Wilson
- Ian Wilson
- Terry Winters
Surnames starting with: Y
Surnames starting with: Z